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Athletic Code of Conduct

It is an honor to be selected as a team member and to represent Rondout Valley Central School District.  Only those students in good standing at Rondout Valley may become a member of an athletic team.  Students must recognize that participation in the athletic program is a privilege, not a right; and that this privilege can be denied.  As an athlete within the Rondout Valley School District, you will be held to a high standard.  Thus, being an athlete presumes responsibility to yourself, your family, your teammates, your coaches, your school, and your community.

An athlete is expected to exhibit exemplary behavior in school, at home, at all contests, and in his/her personal life.  Behavior reflecting discredit to oneself or the athletic program could lead to suspension or dismissal.  Every athlete is expected to adhere to the Athletic Code of Conduct as well as the Student Code of Conduct.

Contact Us

To e-mail an employee, use the
e-mail listed, followed by

(845) 687-2400
Athletic Fax: (845) 687-0998

Jeff Panek

Athletic Director
Email: jpanek 
Ext. 4261

Deana DeGrote

Athletic Secretary
Email: ddegrote
Ext. 4287

Joann redmond

Athletic Nurse
Email: jredmond
Ext. 4218

Keith duarte

Athletic Trainer
Email: kduarte
Ext. 4273