Athletic Code of Conduct
It is an honor to be selected as a team member and to represent Rondout Valley Central School District. Only those students in good standing at Rondout Valley may become a member of an athletic team. Students must recognize that participation in the athletic program is a privilege, not a right; and that this privilege can be denied. As an athlete within the Rondout Valley School District, you will be held to a high standard. Thus, being an athlete presumes responsibility to yourself, your family, your teammates, your coaches, your school, and your community.
An athlete is expected to exhibit exemplary behavior in school, at home, at all contests, and in his/her personal life. Behavior reflecting discredit to oneself or the athletic program could lead to suspension or dismissal. Every athlete is expected to adhere to the Athletic Code of Conduct as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
- Eligibility
- Attendance
- Commitment
- Conduct
- Care Of Uniforms & Equipment
- Transportation & Away Contests
- Training
- Consequences
- Athletic Contract
I agree to meet all eligibility requirements, honestly and accurately provide the necessary eligibility information, and work to maintain my eligibility.
a) State Eligibility Requirements For Athletes
i) Full time student: taking four (4) courses including Physical Education.
ii) Eligible according to the requirements of NYSPHSAA.
iii) Eligible according to the monitoring body transfer rules (new students).
iv) Meet monitoring body age requirements (maximum age of nineteen (19) years of age eligible through the end of the school year during which that age is attained).
v) Maintained amateur status: never having used athletic skills for gain, including playing, coaching, or officiating.
vi) Eligible for eight (8) consecutive semesters beginning in the semester he/she enters ninth (9th) grade (Athletic Placement Process athletes are eligible for up to twelve semesters beginning in seventh grade).
b) Academic Eligibility Requirements
i) Academic performance is more important than performance in an athletic event. It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to make the appropriate effort in their academic work in order to reflect their abilities, including completion of all homework, class work, and exams. All athletes must meet the academic standards as described below. Failure to do so will result in probation, suspension, or dismissal.
a) Failure of one or more classes after any 5 week period during a quarter will result in TSS/ASAS and/or an academic plan. Failure of a core course (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science) will result in mandatory TSS/ASAS. All other courses will require an academic plan. If you are failing 3 or more classes you will not be able to participate in games or contests but will be able to continue practicing with the team.
b) If the athlete does not attend TSS (unless given approval by the teacher or an administrator), or fulfill the requirements of the academic plan they will immediately become ineligible to participate in athletics until further notice.
c) Students that failed a core course the previous year are automatically assigned to TSS/ASAS until the end of the first 5 week marking period. If in good standing, they will not be required to attend TSS.
d) Athletes that continually fail classes must meet with the coach, their parents/guardians, guidance counselor and Athletic Director to discuss this problem. The athlete may be placed on an athletic contract.
c) Citizenship Eligibility Requirements
ii) Because athletes represent their school on and off the field, they are expected to maintain a high behavioral standard. To be a team member is a privilege, not a right. Students may be suspended or dismissed at the coach and athletic director’s discretion for citizenship reasons, including disorderly conduct at athletic events or practice, profanity, truancy, insubordination, fighting, cyber-bullying, and other conduct that violates the student code of conduct applicable to all students.
I shall maintain a good attendance record and will adhere to all attendance requirements established by the school and by the coach.
a) School Day Attendance
i) All athletes should be in attendance for the full school day. Athletes must be in school no later than 9:00 A.M. in order to compete in a contest and/or practice on that day. Exception is granted to seniors who have late arrival status; they must report to their first scheduled class on time. Legal excuses for part day absences, such as doctors’ appointments or school related activities meet this requirement. An athlete may be excused for a late to school at the discretion of the Athletic Director.
ii) In addition to the above statement, students who accumulate more than ten (10) Late-Unexcused marks during their season of participation on their attendance record will have the following penalties: While they may attend the practice or contest, they are ineligible to participate in practice or compete on each day they are tardy thereafter. Continued late-unexcused marks on their attendance may result in dismissal from the team or suspension from athletics.
iii) Suspension or dismissal from a team based on attendance will be left to the discretion of the Athletic Director and Principal.
iv) Athletes are to inform their teachers of any early dismissals because of a scheduled contest. Athletes are responsible for obtaining all assignments and completing all missed work resulting from classes missed due to a scheduled contest.
b) Practice/Contest Attendance
i) Promptness is expected. All athletes shall report to practices and contests at the time designated by their coach.
ii) Athletes are expected to attend all practices and contests.
iii) Athletes must participate in scheduled physical education class in order to practice or play in a contest on that same day unless approved by the Athletic Director.
I agree to make a firm commitment to my teammates, my coach, my school, and myself.
a) Leaving or Quitting a Team
i) It is understood that being a part of RV Athletics requires commitment, dedication and sacrifice. However, if a student no longer wishes to participate in a sport, they must meet with the coach and athletic director. Failure to meet with the coach and Athletic Director may result in the suspension from athletics for the remainder of the academic year. It is the responsibility of the student to return all equipment in the same manner in which it was issued.
ii) If a player quits in such a manner that is deemed unbecoming of an athlete, THAT PLAYER IS INELIGIBLE TO PLAY FOR ANY SCHOOL TEAM FOR ONE CALENDAR YEAR.
iii) All decisions regarding disciplinary actions will be left to the discretion of the Athletic Director and Principal as it relates to quitting an athletic team.
b) Transfer To Another Team
i) A student may transfer to another athletic team ONLY if (s)he:
a) Has the consent of the present coach.
b) Has the consent of the new coach.
c) Completes the Athletic Squad Transfer Form and returns it to the Athletic Office.
d) Has initiated the transfer prior to the 3rd week of the specified season.
I shall adhere to all rules and responsibilities as outlined by the school and my coach. I understand that incidents of misconduct in or out of school may have a definite effect on my participation on the athletic team.
a) Appearance & Dress
i) The appearance and dress of all athletes for practices and competitive events will comply with those requirements established by the school.
b) Behavior & Sportsmanship
i) As role models to their peers and as representatives of their school, athletes shall exhibit respect for all teachers, students, and property (both school and personal).
ii) All athletes will display good sportsmanship at all times.
iii) Inappropriate language, gestures, and actions will not be tolerated, i.e. “in your face” gestures or actions after scoring.
iv) “Hazing” or any initiation activity that humiliates, degrades, or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate will not be tolerated.
v) All athletes will be aware of and adhere to the sportsmanship policy outlined below.
c) Social Networking Websites (ex. Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
i) It is understood that social networking sites have become a part of our mainstream culture and many people utilize them for many purposes. However, when these sites are used to promote, share or otherwise post material that is illegal in nature, it is not only dangerous to the individual posting the material but considered conduct unbecoming of an athlete in Rondout Valley. We expect our student-athletes at Rondout Valley to use social media in a positive manner and refrain from negative tweets, posts or videos.
ii) Any athlete that posts materials of an illegal nature (use or possession of alcohol by a minor, use or possession of illegal drugs, etc.), regardless of date or time, will be automatically dismissed from the team for the remainder of the sport’s season.
iii) Allowing the athlete to return to athletics will be left to the discretion of the Athletic Director and/or Principal.
d) Dismissal from a Team
i) Any athlete that is dismissed from a team may not participate in that or any other sport for the remainder of that sport season.
e) Appeal Process
i) Any athlete dismissed from an athletic team is entitled to an appeal as detailed in the Due Process Procedure on page 9.
f) NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Policy*
i) SPORTSMANSHIP: The Association recognizes and appreciates that the influence and responsibility of the school administration with regard to good sportsmanship extends to all levels of competition. However, it must also be seen that the NYSPHSAA has been vested with the responsibility to ensure that all contests under its jurisdiction are conducted satisfactorily. This standard applies to all regular season and post schedule play.
ii) Any member of a squad ruled out of a contest for an unsportsmanlike conduct or for a flagrant foul shall not participate in that sport in the next previously scheduled contest with a member school or in NYSPHSAA tournament play. Disqualifications from one season carry over to the next season of participation.
iii) Any member of the squad who strikes, shoves, kicks, or makes other physical contact with the intent to do so to an official shall be expelled from the game immediately and banned from further participation in all sports for one year from the date of offense. NOTE: Member of the squad includes player, manager, scorekeepers, timers, and statisticians.
* 2016-2017 New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) Handbook– this can be found online at
Care Of Uniforms & Equipment
I accept responsibility for all equipment that is issued to me by the school. Further, I agree to properly use all team equipment.
a) Uniforms
i) Athletes will not wear any part of their game uniforms at any time other than the actual game without the direct approval of the coach in conjunction with the Athletic Director.
b) Equipment
i) The student athlete is expected to keep all equipment clean and/or in good repair. It is important to maintain the good condition of the equipment for the athlete’s safety. ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE RETURNED CLEAN AND IN GOOD REPAIR NO LATER THAN ONE (1) WEEK AFTER THE LAST CONTEST.
ii) The student athlete is financially responsible for all equipment issued. Should he/she fail to return issued item(s), the athlete must reimburse the district for the replacement cost. THE STUDENT WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATION IN THE SPORTS PROGRAM UNTIL THE ITEM(S) ARE RETURNED OR REIMBURSEMENT IS MADE.
iii) Post season locker clean out is a mandatory requirement. If athletes fail to clean out their lockers within the designated period of time, coaches will remove the locks and dispose of items in locker.
Transportation & Away Contests
I agree to follow the transportation policy established by the school. I will adhere to the additional requirements established by my coach and the athletic department.
a) Transportation To And From Practices
i) After the form(s) have been completed and signed by their parents, all athletes must submit the appropriate athlete transportation form(s).
ii) During the summer months, athletes may travel to and/or from practices in their own vehicles ONLY if permission is indicated by the parent on the athlete transportation form which has been placed on file with the team coach.
iii) Athletes may travel to and/or from practices in their own vehicles ONLY if permission is indicated by the parent on the athlete transportation form and if the athlete has been issued a school parking permit.
iv) High school athletes may travel to and/or from practices in other students’ vehicles ONLY if permission is indicated by the parents of both the driver and the passenger on the athlete transportation forms, the athletes have received the principal’s written permission, and the athletes have received the coach’s permission. ALL DOCUMENTS OF PERMISSION MUST BE ON FILE WITH THE COACH.
v) Junior high school athletes may not ride with any other student under the age of eighteen, with the exception of an older sibling. The junior high school athletes may travel to and/or from practices in a sibling’s vehicle ONLY if permission is indicated by the parent on the athlete transportation form, the athlete has received the principal’s written permission, and the athlete has received the coach’s permission. ALL DOCUMENTS OF PERMISSION MUST BE ON FILE WITH THE COACH.
vi) Student athletes may ride with an adult, other than a parent, ONLY if permission is indicated by the parent on the athlete transportation form, the athlete has received the principal’s written permission, and the athlete has received the coach’s permission. ALL DOCUMENTS OF PERMISSION MUST BE ON FILE WITH THE COACH.
b) Travel To Away Contests
i) It is expected that all athletes will travel to and from all “away games” on the team bus. This is done for purposes of team unity, attendance, and insurance. The school has the responsibility to return the athletes to the school district. Only with a parent’s written permission (Post-Contest Travel Form) may a student be released to the parent.
ii) In extreme hardship cases, a student may ride with an adult other than his/her own parent from an away contest as long as a signed parental permission note indicating the date of the contest, who will be driving the student, reason for the arrangement and the intended destination of the student is submitted to the Athletic Director at least 24 hours in advance. The Athletic Director has the right to approve or deny the request. The coach will be notified of the decision. A new note must be provided for each arrangement.
iii) Student athletes are not permitted to drive a vehicle to the site of an away athletic contest.
iv) Coaches are responsible for the supervision of the student athletes on the bus. While riding the bus, athletes are to follow the school behavior policy AND any additional requirements established by the coach.
v) No undue noise, shouting, or whistling inside OR out the windows of the bus is permitted. Cleats and spikes may not be worn on the bus.
vi) Athletes should apply hair spray, cologne, and/or perfume OFF the bus.
vii) No open food or beverages will be allowed on the bus without the consent of the coach AND bus driver.
viii) Athletes are expected to pick up after themselves upon completion of a trip before they exit the bus.
ix) Any problems arising during a trip may be reported to the Athletic Director and submitted in writing to the principal.
c) Team Procedures At Visited Schools
i) At away contests locker rooms will be kept neat, clean and undamaged. To ensure this practice, athletes should enter and leave visited schools together. The locker rooms are to be checked by both coaches at the conclusion of a contest.
ii) No athlete may wear cleats or spikes in any building.
I understand that proper training is essential to my performance. I agree to adhere to the training regimen established by the coaching staff.
a) Physical Conditioning
i) The physical conditioning requirements will be established by the coach for pre-season/season/off-season for team members.
b) Health Habits
i) Athletes are expected to follow a balanced, nutritional diet.
ii) Athletes are expected to provide for adequate rest and sleep within their daily schedule.
iii) Athletes shall not abuse the use of prescription drugs. Any inhalers or other medications that may be needed during practices and/or contests are the responsibility of the athlete and may be given to the coach to store in the nearest medical kit.
iv) Athletes shall notify the school nurse and the coach during the sports season of the use of prescription drugs.
v) Athletes shall not consume or use alcohol, tobacco, steroids, and/or other illegal drugs.
vi) The consumption of alcohol by minors is an illegal action by NYS Law. As a result, if an athlete is in attendance where the under aged consumption of alcohol is taking place in the absence of adult supervision, they should leave immediately. Failure to do so may result in a flagrant misconduct of training rules and is susceptible to dismissal of the athletic team and athletics for one calendar year.
vii) Athletes shall not buy, sell, give away, or have in possession any substance defined by law as illegal.
c) Accidents & Injuries
i) Because many injuries can be more serious than they outwardly appear, athletes must report all injuries to the coach.
ii) Athletes should notify the coach if they are planning to go or have gone to see a doctor regarding the athletic injury.
iii) An athlete will be transported to the hospital if hospital treatment is necessary in the opinion of the coach, first aid staff, school nurse practitioner and/or parent/guardian. The coach or staff shall attempt to contact the parent/guardian of the athlete as soon as possible if not present. (S)he will be accompanied by a coach or responsible adult (in the absence of the parent). This individual will remain with the athlete until the parent arrives. Under no circumstances will the remainder of the team be left unsupervised. If there is no certified individual present to supervise the players, the contest or practice action will cease.
iv) If an athlete is absent or does not participate because of an illness for five days or more, a re-examination and approval to participate by the school nurse practitioner is required. If an athlete is de-certified due to an injury he/she must be recertified by the school nurse practitioner. No athlete should return to play before this re-examination/approval.
I realize that with my choices are consequences. I accept that I will suffer the consequences listed, if I fail to adhere to the Athlete Code of Conduct. *
Choice & Consequence
1) Area of Code of Conduct: Eligibility
1st Infraction: A student who is deemed ineligible will be immediately dismissed from the team - consequently, the team must forfeit all contests in which the athlete participated.
Flagrant or 2nd Infraction: N/A
2) Area of Code of Conduct: Citizenship Requirement
1st Infraction: If the athlete receives a detention or in-school suspension the athlete must attend (when possible) but may not participate in the practice or contest on that day.
Flagrant or 2nd Infraction: Athlete and parent must sign the Athlete’s Contract to remain in the activity.
For a flagrant violation or after signing the athlete’s contract the athlete will be dismissed from the team.
3) Area of Code of Conduct: Commitment
1st Infraction: Consultation with athlete
Flagrant or 2nd Infraction: Disciplinary actions at the discretion of the coach and Athletic Director.
4) Area of Code of Conduct: Care & Return of Equipment
1st Infraction: If uniform or equipment is damaged, the athlete must pay the replacement cost for item(s).
Flagrant or 2nd Infraction: If not returned, the athlete may not participate in the school sports program.
5) Area of Code of Conduct: Abuse, Possession, and/or Use of Illegal Substances
1st Infraction: Automatic dismissal from the team for the remainder of the season.
Mandatory counseling program, minimum of 3 hours. Total time to be determined by school crisis counselor.
Flagrant or 2nd Infraction: The athlete is ineligible for participation in athletics for one calendar year.
Mandatory counseling program, minimum of 3 hours. Total time to be determined by school crisis counselor.
Athletic Contract
The Athletic Contract is a contract an athlete must sign after he/she has violated the Athletic Code of Conduct. Signing the Athlete’s Pledge is a personal commitment of that individual to adhere to the Athletic Code of Conduct. When a student athlete violates that code, he/she must sign and adhere to the Athletic Contract in order to remain on the team. If that contract is broken, the student athlete is dismissed from that team.
The Due Process Procedure has been established for an athlete to have recourse in the event the athlete deems the disciplinary action taken against them is unjust.
1. A form letter from the Athletic Director will be sent to the parents/guardian of the athlete, or an athlete over the age of 18, or an emancipated athlete to inform them of possible disciplinary action being taken by the coach in compliance with the Code of Conduct.
2. If an athlete in a sport season is not satisfied with the discipline imposed by the coach as taken from the Code of Conduct, he/she is entitled to a hearing with the coach and the Athletic Director.
3. If suspension and/or dismissal from a sport activity occur, the athlete and parent/guardians are entitled to and may initiate a hearing with the principal.
4. If the parents are not satisfied with the results of the hearing in #3, they are entitled to a hearing with the Superintendent.
5. If the parents are not satisfied with the results of the hearing in #4, they are entitled to a hearing with the Board of Education.
Contact Us
To e-mail an employee, use the
e-mail listed, followed by
(845) 687-2400
Athletic Fax: (845) 687-0998
Jeff Panek
Athletic Director
Email: jpanek
Ext. 4261
Deana DeGrote
Athletic Secretary
Email: ddegrote
Ext. 4287
Joann redmond
Athletic Nurse
Email: jredmond
Ext. 4218
Keith duarte
Athletic Trainer
Email: kduarte
Ext. 4273