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Academic Intervention Services

New York State mandates that all public school districts offer Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to students falling behind in meeting the state standards. 

Additional instruction for students in need
Intervention services are available for students in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics in grades one through twelfth grade. Teachers and administrators closely monitor and frequently evaluate student progress through various formal and informal assessment measures.

Additional instruction focuses on:

  • a student’s individual academic needs
  • increasing student-teacher time
  • using a variety of teaching strategies

Parents are:

  • automatically notified when it becomes clear that a student needs help to meet or continue his or her progress toward meeting the state learning standards.
  • advised what types of services are available.
  • advised when services are available and are afforded ongoing opportunities to confer with teachers.
  • notified of their student’s ongoing progress and their student’s end-of-year status.
Parents with questions about academic intervention services should contact their child’s teacher or principal.

In the fall of 2022 the district transitioned to a universal screening and progress monitoring program, Illuminate FastBridge.