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Capital Project 2024

Capital Project Passes

We’re thrilled to share that the Capital Project vote has passed! The proposition was approved with 525 in favor and 203 opposed. A heartfelt thank you to our Rondout Valley community for your support and commitment to our schools. Together, we’re building a brighter future for our students!
The Capital Project will focus on security, safety, and the arts, with the goal of enhancing student programs and creating a secure learning environment throughout the District. 

The project will address several high-priority aging infrastructure components that were identified in the State-mandated Building Condition Survey, as well as key security and safety enhancements, significant improvements to recreational fields and learning spaces, a complete auditorium and music suite upgrade at the high school, and more. 

How Will We Pay for the Project?

By leveraging $4 million already set aside in a voter-approved Capital Reserve, strategically phasing-in bond repayment to replace retiring debt from previous projects, and applying New York State Building Aid reimbursement, the proposed $21.4 million project would not increase the local tax levy. 

What's Included?

Renderings of the Proposed Work

Contact Us

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Email: capitalproject24-25

Call: (845) 687-2400, Ext. 4802