Section 504/ADA Grievance Procedures
The Rondout Valley Central School District prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all aspects of its programs and services. An individual who believes that they have been subject to discrimination in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), by the District, an employee, a student or a third party, may make a complaint under these procedures.
Examples of prohibited discrimination against an individual with a disability include denial of equal access to educational programs or activities, facilities or employment; discriminatory harassment (e.g., demeaning jokes, taunting and derogatory remarks or physical acts relating to an individual’s disability); and, for students with disabilities, denial of a free appropriate public education under Section 504. Protection from discrimination is also extended to individuals who are perceived to be disabled, regardless of actual disability.
The District prohibits retaliation against any individual who files a complaint of disability discrimination or participates in a complaint investigation and will investigate any complaints of retaliation under these procedures. Further, where the District determines that discrimination or harassment has occurred, the District will take all necessary steps to prevent the recurrence of the discrimination or harassment, including any appropriate disciplinary action, and to remedy and correct any discriminatory effects, where appropriate, including through supportive services such as counseling or academic supports.
Employees and other individuals aware of incidents of discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of disability should report such incidents immediately. Employees or students found to have engaged in discrimination, harassment or retaliation may be subject to disciplinary sanctions up to and including termination or suspension/expulsion, subject to the requirements, rights and procedures provided by other applicable District policies, contractual agreements and state and federal law.
These internal grievance procedures do not replace any other rights or protections that employees or students have under other District policies or State or Federal Laws. However, allegations of discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability included in complaints filed under other District policies or procedures (e.g., DASA complaints) may be referred for investigation under these procedures.
How To File A Complaint
- Complaints should be filed as soon as practicable
- Stage 1 – 504/ADA Compliance Officer
- Stage 2 – Appeal to Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee
- Confidentiality
- Office for Civil Rights
- Impartial Hearing for Matters Relating to Identification, Evaluation, Placement or the Provision of FAPE under Section 504
Complaints should be filed as soon as practicable
Stage 1 – 504/ADA Compliance Officer
Stage 2 – Appeal to Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee
Office for Civil Rights
Impartial Hearing for Matters Relating to Identification, Evaluation, Placement or the Provision of FAPE under Section 504
Contact Us
To e-mail an employee, use the
e-mail listed, followed by
(845) 687-2400
Meg Braren
Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
504/ADA Compliance Officer
Email: mbraren
Ext. 4820